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Kratom Legal Updates

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The legal landscape surrounding kratom in the United States is constantly evolving, with states and cities both implementing either new regulations for legal kratom use or banning all kratom products. It can be next to impossible to keep up.

As passionate advocates for the regulation of kratom in our country, we want to make sure our community has easy access to the latest kratom legal updates. Explore our timeline and see what’s going on with kratom in your local area, from passing the Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA) in various states to bills banning kratom entirely.

Breaking Federal Kratom Legal Updates 

There is no current federal kratom regulation or legislation, making kratom effectively legal.

October 25, 2023United States of America
PROPOSED LEGISLATIONH.R. 5905 is referred to the Subcommittee on Health and House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Although the bill is not dead, there are no further updates.
October 6, 2023United States of America
PROPOSED LEGISLATIONH.R. 5905, also known as the Federal Kratom Consumer Protection Act, was submitted to the House of Representatives. This would regulate kratom at a federal level.
October 4, 2023United States of America
PROPOSED LEGISLATIONS. 3039 would start a federal investigation into the health effects of kratom, consisting of federally funded research programs and committees. It was referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Although the bill isn’t dead, no further progress was made.

Breaking State Kratom Legal Updates


May 10, 2016State of Alabama
BANNEDThe alkaloids found in kratom (such as mitragynine) were placed on the controlled substances list of Alabama. This effectively banned kratom products across the entire state.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, making kratom effectively legal at a state level.


May 23, 2022State of Arizona
ADDED REGULATIONSHB 2601 was signed, replacing various kratom definitions and adding increased regulations to current kratom legislature.
August 27, 2019State of Arizona
LEGAL, REGULATEDArizona bill HB 2550 passed the KCPA and made kratom legal in Arizona statewide with common sense regulation. While it was passed in April 2019, it was finally made effective on this date.


April 14, 2023State of Arkansas
ADDED REGULATIONSThe Arkansas Kratom Consumer Protection Act, a variant of the Kratom Consumer Protection Act, would remove mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine.
February 1, 2016State of Arkansas
BANNEDKratom in Arkansas is designated as a Schedule 1 controlled substance, banning both sale and use.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, making kratom effectively legal at a state level. There are regulations in specific large cities.

August 15, 2024State of California
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDAB 2365 shelved due to disagreements between advocacy groups. Kratom remains legal, but unregulated.
February 12, 2024State of California
PROPOSED LEGISLATIONKratom in California would be regulated with AB 2365, with specific restrictions on active alkaloid content.


July 1, 2024State of Colorado
LEGAL, REGULATEDRegulations for kratom in Colorado began on this date thanks to the passing of the KCPA in Senate Bill 22-120 on May 26, 2022.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, making kratom effectively legal at a state level.

January 27, 2023State of Connecticut
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDWhile already legal, SB 920 would have added regulation to the kratom industry. SB 920 immediately died in committee.
January 10, 2023State of Connecticut
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDWhile already legal, HB 5134 would have required the Department of Consumer Protection to report on the health effects of kratom. HB 5134 immediately died in committee.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, making kratom effectively legal at a state level.


July 1, 2023State of Florida
LEGAL, REGULATEDAfter months of discussion, amendments, several votes, and a signature from the governor on June 2, 2023, the Florida Kratom Consumer Protection Act was passed. It went into effect on this date.
January 11, 2023State of Florida
PROPOSED LEGISLATIONThe Florida Kratom Consumer Protection Act, a modified version of the KCPA, is submitted.


May 2, 2024State of Georgia
LEGAL, REGULATEDHB 181, which revises definitions and adds new regulations on kratom in Georgia, is passed. This is in addition to already existing city- and county-level bans and restrictions on kratom. It will go into effect on January 1, 2025.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, making kratom effectively legal at a state level.

January 29, 2024State of Hawaii
LEGAL, REGULATEDSB 3372, also known as the Hawaii Kratom Consumer Protection Act, a modified version of the KCPA that would regulate kratom in Hawaii, was submitted. It died in committee.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, making kratom effectively legal at a state level.


The only current statewide regulation for kratom in Illinois is that no individual under 18 may purchase kratom. However, many cities have their own individual regulations and bans.

January 7, 2025GODFREY
Possession, distribution, and delivery of kratom has been banned in Godfrey in a unanimous vote by village leadership.
June 18, 2024Tinley Park
BANNEDTinley Park, IL banned the sale, distribution, and use of kratom. A 12-month amnesty has been granted to businesses whose main product is kratom and a six-month amnesty for those who sell it as an accessory.
February 9, 2023State of Illinois
PROPOSED LEGISLATIONSB 1847, Illinois’ implementation of the Kratom Consumer Protection Act, would regulate kratom statewide. After a single reading, it was filed with the Senate Secretary and no further progress was made.


Kratom has been considered a Schedule 1 substance since 2012. It is currently banned statewide.

March 6, 2023State of Indiana
PROPOSED LEGISLATIONHB 1500 would create definitions for kratom in Indiana, as well as drastically restrict kratom products based on alkaloid content. It was referred to the Committee on Commerce and Technology, and no further progress was made.


There is no current state regulation or legislation for kratom in Iowa, making kratom effectively legal at a state level.


There is no current state regulation or legislation for kratom in Kansas, making kratom effectively legal at a state level.

April 30, 2024State of Kansas
HB 2084 was proposed on January 19, 2023. It would implement regulations from the KCPA in the state of Iowa. The bill died on Calendar on this date.


January 17, 2024State of Kentucky
HB 2084 was proposed on January 19, 2023. It would implement regulations from the KCPA in the state of Iowa. The bill died on Calendar on this date.


December 3, 2024UNION PARISH
The Union Parish Police Jury voted to ban possession and distribution of kratom in the parish.
July 22, 2024Tangipahoa Parish
BANNEDThe sale of kratom (or possession with intent to sell) was banned in Tangipahoa Parish. No bans are put on personal ownership or consumption.
August 1, 2023State of Louisiana
LEGALAfter passing in both the House of Representatives and Senate, SB94 was signed by the governor on June 26, 2023. This bill did the bare minimum for kratom regulation, making it illegal to buy, sell, or own if you are under the age of 21. It went into effect on this date.
June 1, 2023State of Louisiana
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDHB655, a slightly modified version of the KCPA, was submitted to the Louisiana House of Representatives on May 11. After several amendments, it was passed. However, when sent to the Senate, it was recommitted to the Committee on Health and Welfare on this date. No further progress was made.
October 10, 2022Rapides Parish
BANNEDBoth sale and ownership of Kratom was banned in Rapides Parish by the Rapides Parish Police Jury.
August 18, 2022Ascension Parish
BANNEDThe sale of kratom was banned in Ascension Parish. No bans are put on consumption or ownership.
March 9, 2020State of Louisiana
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDHB 523, which would have implemented a version of the KCPA in Louisiana, was prefiled February 28. It was referred to the Committee on Health and Welfare on this date. No further progress was made.
May 31, 2019State of Louisiana
PROPOSED LEGISLATIONHR 203 was a formal request for the Louisiana Department of Health to study kratom and suggest appropriate consumer protection regulations. It passed unanimously on May 29 before being presented to the Secretary of State.
March 10, 2014State of Louisiana
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDHB 19 was added to the Interim Calendar of the House of Representatives on January 17. This would have designated Kratom as a Schedule I substance in Louisiana’s Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law. On this date, it was read and recommitted to the Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice. It was never resubmitted.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in Maine.

April 27, 2017State of Maine
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDLD 1546 was introduced to the Senate on this date. This would have added mitragynine (along with many other substances) to the list of Schedule W substances. It was amended to not include kratom. The bill eventually passed on June 19 with no mention of kratom.


April 4, 2024State of Maryland
LEGAL, REGULATEDOn this date, Maryland’s Kratom Consumer Protection Act was passed. Its effective date was October 1, 2024.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in Massachusetts.

August 5, 2024State of Massachusetts
PROPOSED LEGISLATIONH.4985 did the same thing as its predecessor: introduced penalties for vendors selling contaminated kratom. It was received favorably by the Committee on The Judiciary. It was referred to the Committee on House Ways and Means. No further progress has been made yet.
April 10, 2024State of Massachusetts
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDH.3762 was referred to the committee on The Judiciary. It would have created penalties for retailers selling contaminated kratom. The reporting date to the Senate was repeatedly postponed until August 5, when it was included in the draft of a new bill: H4985.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in Michigan.

February 1, 2023State of Michigan
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDHB 4061 was introduced to the House of Representatives. It would have implemented the KCPA in Michigan. It was referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform. No further progress was made.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in Missouri.

January 13, 2022State of Missouri
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDSB 774 was introduced to the Senate. It would have implemented the KCPA in Missouri. It was referred to the S General Laws Committee where the bill died.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in Montana.

January 13, 2022State of Montana
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDHB 437 was introduced to the Senate. It included a huge swath of revisions to drug laws, including designating kratom a Schedule I substance. The amendment was removed just prior to it being passed and signed into law on May 22, 2022.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, meaning kratom is legal in Nebraska.

January 17, 2025STATE OF NEBRASKA
State Senator Loren Lippincott submitted LB 431. This would ban and criminalize kratom possession and distribution.
January 4, 2024State of Nebraska
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATED LB 972 was introduced to the Unicameral Legislature. It would have designated kratom as a controlled substance and banned selling, purchasing, and possession of kratom statewide. It was indefinitely postponed on April 18, 2024.


June 16, 2023State of Nevada
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDAB 322 was introduced to the Assembly. It would have banned the sale or use of kratom, with offenses being classified as misdemeanors. Although it passed both the Assembly and the Senate, it was vetoed by the governor on this date.
June 5, 2019State of Nevada
LEGAL, REGULATEDOn this date, Nevada’s Kratom Consumer Protection Act was signed into law. It had been first submitted to the Assembly on March 18.

New Hampshire

There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in New Hampshire.

January 9, 2021State of New Hampshire
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDHB333 was introduced to the House of Representatives. It would have implemented the KCPA in New Hampshire. It was retained in Committee on March 9. While some additional subcommittee work was done on the bill, it eventually died in committee.

New Jersey

There is only an age restriction for kratom purchasing. Kratom is legal in New Jersey for anyone over the age of 18.

January 8, 2025STATE OF NEW JERSEY
The New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners (NJ BME) endorsed S1 476, also known as the New Jersey Kratom Consumer Protection Act. In doing so, they opposed S 3359, also known as CJ’s Law, which would have criminalized the manufacturing, sale, and possession of kratom.
June 3, 2024State of New Jersey
PROPOSED LEGISLATIONA3359 was introduced to the Senate. It would have criminalized kratom possession, use, and sale in New Jersey. It was immediately referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee and no further progress was ever made.
March 14, 2024State of New Jersey
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDA4071 was introduced to the Assembly. It would have implemented the KCPA in New Jersey. It was immediately referred to the Assembly Education Committee. No further progress was ever made.
February 22, 2024State of New Jersey
PROPOSED LEGISLATION DEFEATEDA3797 was introduced to the Assembly. It would have implemented a statewide ban on kratom possession, use, and sale in New Jersey. It was immediately referred to the Assembly Consumer Affairs Committee, then transferred to the Assembly State and Local Government Committee. A second reading was done on June 24, but no further progress was ever made.

New Mexico

There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in New Mexico.

New York

There is no current statewide kratom regulation or legislation, meaning kratom is legal in New York. There are age restrictions in certain counties.

January 26, 2024State of New York
S08401 was introduced to the Senate. It would have prohibited the sale of kratom to individuals under 21. It was immediately referred to Health. No progress was ever made.
February 14, 2023State of New York
A04376 was introduced to the Assembly. It would have prohibited the sale of kratom to individuals under 21, with civil penalties enacted for violators. It was immediately referred to Health. Its enacting clause was stricken on February 28, killing the bill.
February 1, 2023State of New York
A02983 was introduced to the Assembly. It would have implemented the KCPA in New York. It was immediately referred to Consumer Affairs and Protection. One year later, it was again referred to Consumer Affairs and Protection. No further progress was ever made.
January 4, 2023State of New York
S00488 was introduced to the Senate. It would have implemented the KCPA in New York. It was immediately referred to the Senate Agriculture Committee. One year later, it was again referred to the same Committee. No further progress was ever made.

North Carolina

There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in North Carolina.

January 6, 2025DARE COUNTY
The Dare County Board of Commissioners chose not to vote on a resolution that would ban the sale of kratom in Dare County. It will be reworked to effectively regulate kratom in the county
January 4, 2023State of North Carolina
H563 was introduced to the House of Representatives. It would have designated kratom as a Schedule IV substance, which means it would be regulated the same as cannabis-derived products. It died in Committee after being referred to the Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House.

North Dakota

There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in North Dakota.

HB 1101 would have designated mitragynine a Schedule 1 substance, essentially banning it. It was defeated in a House vote on this date.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in Ohio.

April 5, 2023State of Ohio
SB103 was introduced to the Senate. It would have added regulations for the sale of kratom products. It was referred to the Committee of Health on April 19. No further progress was made.


December 30, 2024STATE OF OKLAHOMA
SB 183 was introduced. It would add clarifications and specifications to definitions used in existing kratom regulation.
May 6, 2024State of Oklahoma
On this date, Oklahoma’s Kratom Consumer Protection Act became law. It became effective immediately.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in Oregon.

March 3, 2022STATE OF OREGON
HB 4010, also known as the Oregon Kratom Consumer Protection Act, goes into effect.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in Pennsylvania.

April 25, 2023State of Pennsylvania
SB614 was introduced to the Senate. It would have prohibited the sale of kratom to individuals under 21, as well as the manufacturing and distribution of unsafe kratom products. It was immediately referred to Health and Human Services. No further progress was ever made.

Rhode Island

June 26, 2024State of Rhode Island
H7231 and S2701 were bills submitted to the House of Representatives and Senate respectively. Both would have implemented the KCPA in Rhode Island. It was vetoed by the governor on this day.
May 31, 2017State of Rhode Island
Sale, use, and possession of kratom was banned in Rhode Island when mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine were designated as Schedule I substances by the Rhode Island Department of Health.

South Carolina

There is only an age restriction for kratom purchasing. Kratom is legal in South Carolina for anyone over the age of 21.

February 6, 2024State of South Carolina
H.5043 would implement a version of the KCPA in South Carolina. After its introduction, it was immediately referred to the Committee on Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs. No further progress has been made.
January 18, 2024State of South Carolina
H.3742 was introduced. It would designate kratom as a Schedule IV substance. It was immediately referred to the Committee on Judiciary in the House of Representatives. Since then, the only updates have been the addition of sponsors. The last update was on February 15, 2024.

South Dakota

There is only an age restriction for kratom purchasing. Kratom is legal in South Dakota for anyone over the age of 21.


There is only an age restriction for kratom purchasing. Kratom is legal in Tennessee for anyone over the age of 21.

April 4, 2023State of Tennessee
SB 0370 was filed with the Senate on January 23, then referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee on January 25. It would implement a version of the KCPA in Tennessee. After several months of work, it was vetoed by the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.


September 1, 2023State of Texas
SB 497 added various regulations for kratom producers and distributors, making kratom legal in Texas. It also prohibited the sale of kratom to minors.


March 26, 2019State of Utah
On this date, the Utah Kratom Consumer Protection Act was signed into law, making kratom legal in Utah.


March 15, 2023State of Vermont
S.128 was submitted to the Senate. It would have overturned the state ban and regulated the production and distribution of kratom. It was immediately referred to the Committee on Health and Welfare where it died. Kratom is not legal in Vermont.
February 28, 2023State of Vermont
H. 425 was submitted to the House of Representatives. It would have overturned the state ban and regulated the production and distribution of kratom. It was immediately referred to the Committee on Human Services.


January 6, 2025STATE OF VIRGINIA
HB1911, also called the Veterans’ Services Protection Act, prevents sale and distribution of kratom to citizens under the age of 21, as well as mandates the addition of safety/regulatory disclaimers on packaging.
April 11, 2024State of Virginia
A petition to designate kratom as a Schedule I substance was submitted to the Board of Pharmacy of the Department of Health Officials. It received thousands of comments in backlash from concerned kratom advocates. On July 29, the Board announced that it would take no action on the petition.
March 26, 2023State of Virginia
On this date, the Virginia Kratom Consumer Protection Act was signed into law, making kratom legal in Virginia.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in Washington.

August 22, 2024State of Washington
WSR 24-18-005 prompted Washington legislators to consider registering kratom as a Schedule 1 substance. Written comments were being taken until January 30, 2025, and a listening session was scheduled for February 6, 2025.
April 11, 2024State of Washington
The Pharmacy Quality Assurance Committee submitted a pre-proposal statement of inquiry to the Department of Health recommending kratom be designated a Schedule I substance.

West Virginia

March 11, 2023State of West Virginia
On this date, West Virginia’s Kratom Consumer Protection Act was signed into law, making kratom legal in West Virginia. It went into effect 90 days after the governor’s approval.


September 5, 2023State of Wisconsin
AB 393 was submitted to the Assembly and SB 445 was submitted to the Senate. They would have added a swath of regulations for kratom production and distribution. After almost a year of amendments, they were voted against and killed April 15, 2024.
2014State of Wisconsin
Sale, use, and possession of kratom was banned in Wisconsin this year.


There is no current state kratom regulation or legislation, which means kratom is legal in Wyoming

Anthony Dent is one of the founders of The Kratom Company who has had years of personal and professional experience in the industry. As a kratom user himself, he is an advocate for all the potential benefits kratom can offer users both new and experienced. As the industry and legal atmosphere change, Anthony stays up to date on the latest Kratom Consumer Protection Acts to keep readers up to date with reliable information.
Anthony DentFounding Member

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These statements and products presented on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration FDA. The products mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any diseases or health conditions. Therefore any information on this website is presented solely as the opinions of their respective authors who do not claim in any way shape or form to be medical professionals providing medical advice. The KRTM Company and its owners or employees cannot be held responsible for, and will not be liable for the inaccuracy or application of any information whatsoever herein provided. By purchasing our products you agree that you are aware and in compliance with your local county, state, or federal regulations. Must be 21 years or older to purchase Kratom. The US FDA has not approved kratom as a dietary supplement. We do not ship to the following states, cities and counties in the US where Kratom is banned: Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin, Sarasota County, FL, Union County, MS, Denver, CO, San Diego, CA, and Jerseyville, IL.

